
LGBTQ+ Historical Icons Tag

Today’s post is a tag all about LGBT+ history! I was very excited to be tagged by Riddhi @ WhisperingStories, so I’m going to do my best with the answers. I’ll attempt to fulfil all the prompts with queer books, to make it a bit more challenging and exciting.


  • Link back to the original creator (The Corner of Laura) and link back to this page (otherwise, the original creator won’t get a notification).
  • Thank whoever tagged you and link back to their post
  • (Optional) Use the graphics and don’t forget to credit the original creator (Text prompts are at the end of the tag if you’d prefer to use those)
  • (Optional) Tag 5 or more other people.

Sappho – Greek poet known for her lyric poetry which is believed to describe homoerotic feelings: A book of poetry (or written in verse)

I’m not much of a poetry reader, but for this I’m going with Sappho. If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, translated by Anne Carson was a really enjoyable read, and an extremely fitting one for this prompt!

Alan Turing – Mathematician known for cracking the Enigma code but who was persecuted for his homosexuality: A character who deserved better

Hands down, Benji from Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White. This character has gone through so much that I was, at times, in actual distress reading the book. Whatever his ending, and I won’t spoil it, he deserved better throughout his journey.

Gilbert Baker – Creator of the rainbow Pride Flag: The most colourful book you own

The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon was, unfortunately, a bit of a let down for me. However, the cover and design of this book is so stunning and colourful that I’m finding it hard to give it away.

Anne Lister – Landowner, industrialist and considered to be the first modern lesbian: A book written as a diary (or includes diary entries)

A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson was the first one that came to mind. I absolutely devoured this, and the writing style and format was a big part of the reason why.

Marsha P. Johnson – Prominent figure in the Stonewall Uprising and founder of several LGBTQ rights organisations: A character you’d would want fighting at your side

Achilles from The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I don’t necessarily like him as a person but if I’m thinking simply on practical terms, Achilles, the greatest of the Greeks, definitely seems like a smart choice.

Alfred Kinsey – Creator of the Kinsey scale: A book set in academia

It is only partly set in academia, but I feel like I haven’t talked about it for too long, so I’m going with Maurice by E. M. Forster. I just adore it, and need to reread it as soon as possible.

Lucy Hicks Anderson – First trans woman to defend her identity in court: A book where a major scene takes place in court

I’m going with The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert. Confession time: I don’t actually remember if a major scene takes place in court, but the story revolves around it, so surely there must be at least one, right?

Open Prompt – Your choice: A book that inspires you

I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about it before but Jonathan Van Ness’ Over the Top is one of my favourite memoir I’ve read, and I’ve read a few at this point. Jonathan is a really inspiring person, and getting to learn more about his life was amazing.

I Tag:

As always, you don’t need to do it if you don’t want to, but I’m curious to read your answers. I’m also not sure who has done this already, so sorry if you already have.

5 thoughts on “LGBTQ+ Historical Icons Tag

  1. I also posted my version of this tag this week so it was fun to your answers. I struggled with the Sappho prompt but you clearly have the superior answer anyway 😄
    I’m also slightly embarrassed that I didn’t even think of Achilles for that prompt about a character fighting at your side 🙈 He seems so obvious now!


  2. I’m actually not so sure whether I’d want Achilles fighting at my side 🤔 I feel like there’d never be any possibiliy of a diplomatic and peaceful end to whatever conflict I’m in with him arrogantly butting his headstrong nose into everything! And, let’s face it, if the conflict continued for too long, I’d have no chance of survival, no matter how many Greek warriors I had at my side. I would die in some stupid accident immediately! 🤣

    I love how you snuck Maurice in again, though 🥰 And I’m sorry Priory of the Orange Tree was a bit of a let down… That book has been on my TBR forever, and now I’m kind of scared!


  3. I’m sorry Priory of the Orange Tree was disappointing! I haven’t read it yet and I never quite settled on if I want to or not. It is very pretty though, seeing it in person is something else!!
    I really want to read A Dowry of Blood soon! 😍
    I loved reading your answers to this tag! 💚


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