
10 Book Bloggers I’ve Been Loving

This year I’m participating in the “2022 support book bloggers” challenge, created by Briana @ Pages Unbound. I think it’s a great way to uplift the community and support each other. For today’s post I’ll list 10 book bloggers I’ve really been loving ever since I created my blog, less than a year ago.

Now, I already wrote a post all about what blogs I’d been enjoying and since that one remains relevant, I’ll try to mention different bloggers here. So, definitely go check out that post—or my monthly wrap-ups, where I mention my favourite posts each month—for more amazing bloggers to check out!

1. Naemi @ A Book Owl’s Corner

I fell in love with Naemi’s blog from the first post I read. She writes very engaging discussions that often make me think but also extremely fun and original posts.

2. Line @ First Line Reader

Usually, my favourite types of posts to read are discussions, and Line writes brilliant ones!

3. Dini @ Dinipandareads

I started following Dini not that long ago—I think, time is weird—but I’ve really enjoyed her posts (and the incredibly cute graphics).

4. Vera and Sabrina @ Wordy and Whimsical

I don’t want to sound dramatic but I don’t think Sabrina and Vera have ever written a post I haven’t enjoyed reading. They consistently put out fantastic comment that I always want to read. As the kids says, they never miss.

5. Ashley @ The Infinite Library

Ashley’s posts are always fun to read and very aesthetically pleasing, which makes me happy.

6. Phoenix @ Books with Wings

Phoenix is a fantastic blogger, who always comes up with the most interesting discussion topics.

7. Caro @ Bookcheshirecat

I just started reading Caro’s posts recently, but I immediately liked her content. Also, her blog is super aesthetically pleasing and cozy, which I can’t help but love.

8. Kal @ Reader Voracious

I love Kal’s insights into the blogging world and I feel like she consistently put out great advice, which has been incredibly valuable to me and, I’m sure, many others.

9. May @ Forever and Everly

I’ve truly been enjoying May’s blog—which just turned 5!—lately. She has lots to say and does so impeccably.

10. Saima @ Stories with Saima

Saima is a fellow newer blogger—which is insane because her blog feels to good to be barely 9-ish months old.

  • 6 things I learnt after 6 months of blogging: Once again, I love blog posts about blogging and the blogging community and Saima shares some great insight here.
  • books that terrified me: I don’t even read much horror but for some reason, scary books are my favourite type of recommendations. The title grabbed me immediately, and the post was great.
  • revisiting favourites from 2020: I find the concept of revisiting favourites really interesting—and terrifying—so this was very cool to rea.

What are some of your favourite bloggers? What type posts do you usually enjoy reading the most?

See you next time, Maria

21 thoughts on “10 Book Bloggers I’ve Been Loving

  1. Aww, this is such a sweet and helpful post, Maria! Thank you so much for mentioning me 🥰 Your blog is also one of my favorites, so that really means a lot!

    And I’ll definitely be checking out your other recommendations! I do know several of the people you mentioned, but by no means all of them, so it seems I have some catching up to do 😉

    As for other blogs I’d recommend, I think you already know quite a few of them. However, two I’d suggest you go check out are Nefeli @ Biblionebula and Emily @ Frappes and Fiction. While Nefeli doesn’t post often, every time she does is an absolute godsend – I seriously need to know where she gets her ideas because all of her posts are so unique and incredible! And in case you haven’t heard of Emily yet – she writes some of the best and most controversial discussion posts in this community, so I think you’d really enjoy them. And then she also occasionally blesses us with hilariously weird posts, like reflections on her experience trying to teach an AI to write book reviews…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This just made my day. Thank you so much for mentioning me, Maria! 🥰 Discussions are also my favorite posts to read, but anything fun or different will get my attention too. Which meant that I found quite a few new blogs to follow from this post 😄

    And other blogs I love? I saw that Naemi has already mentioned Nefeli @Biblionebula and I just want to second that. She’s amazing and her posts always manage to make me laugh somehow. And then I noticed how you seem to like the aesthetically pleasing blogs (me too) and my favorite one in that area is Amber @The Literary Phoenix. She writes some pretty interesting and unique discussions too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, this is such a sweet post and it’s lovely to see how much thought you put into it! Thank you so much for including Vera and I on the list 💕 Though I am familiar with a lot of these amazing bloggers, there are a few here that I am not familiar with, so I am excited to check them out!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for the shout-out, that’s so kind of you!! I’m so flattered to be in such good company, there are so many brilliant blogs mentioned here that I need to check out. And I truly love your blog and reading your posts too 💛💛

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog!! It means so much to me that you like my content 🥺💕 I’m also really glad to have discovered your blog 🥰 I love how much effort you’ve put in this list, it’s such a lovely way to uplift book bloggers 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks so much for the shout out, Maria! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my posts. It’s always such a lovely thing to hear. I’ll have to check out a bunch of the other posts you’ve linked! There are a few familiar bloggers like Caro, May and Kal but a handful of others that I haven’t seen yet which sound great. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can’t wait to check out all these bloggers! Thank you for listing some of your favourite posts/discussions!
    I love Pages Unbound, and another is Luminous Libro who mostly reviews classics and children’s books and picture/graphic books. She’s really lovely 🙂

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